Price vs. Value: Making Informed Choices When Shopping for Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
Price vs. Value: Making Informed Choices When Shopping for Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
We cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining continuous coverage. As an attorney, one thing you do not want to do is take the risk of having a gap in your professional liability insurance coverage. The main reason is due to the claims-made and reported nature of the coverage.
Each year that you maintain continuous coverage, your prior acts date remains the date of your first original policy effective date. If a claim arises from work you have done in the past, your policy covers you back to that prior acts exclusion date. If, however, you have a lapse in coverage, your new prior acts date will be the effective date of the new policy.
Price vs. Value: Making Informed Choices When Shopping for Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
Make informed decisions when it matters most by knowing how to handle a malpractice claim, when to report it to your carrier and how prompt reporting impacts both your practice and the insurance carrier.
Begin the experience for yourself: prompt contact from an agent, a no-obligation estimate tailored to your needs, and the professional reliability your business deserves!